I also get this question all the time. Plastic surgery refers and encompasses to all types of surgery where form and function is restored. It includes reconstructive surgery such as a cleft lip and palate but also includes cosmetic surgery refers and encompasses to all types of surgery where form and function is restored.
Cosmetic surgery is used to describe only the types of insurance that are usually not covered by insurance such as facelifts, breast augmentation and tummy tuck. Many surgeons who are not board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery call themselves cosmetic surgeons. If you look on the Internet you will see if you search that some of the surgeons are general surgeons, gynecologists, internal medical doctors etc. Some of them also belong to a board called the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. This board is not part of the American Board of Medical Specialties.
Whether this is important for you only you can be the judge. However, if you’re looking to undergo a procedure by a board-certified plastic surgeon by the American Board of Plastic Surgery look for any one of these symbols:
You can also search on the The American Board of Plastic Surgery website at https://www.certificationmatters.org/is-your-doctor-board-certified/search-now.aspx
In summary, if you want to be sure that you are being treated by a board-certified plastic surgeon by the American Board of Plastic Surgery take the following steps:
- Look for the board certification symbol and you can ask them to see their certificate from The American Board of Plastic Surgery
- Ask them if they have privileges to perform breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck etc. at an accredited hospital or ambulatory surgery center in your area.
For instance, we here at capital area plastic surgery with Dr. Dimitri Koumanis perform surgical cosmetic procedures in our office based surgery building but he also has privileges to perform any type of cosmetic surgery at Albany Medical Center, Ellis hospital, Saratoga Hospital, Glens Falls Ellis hospital, Saratoga Hospital, Glens Falls Hospital and St. Peter’s Hospital.