A torso lift is a surgical procedure of the upper body that removes excess skin and fat,typically following significant weight-loss due to bariatric surgery or exercise and diet. For patients with a substantial amount of excess skin along their midsection, a torso lift could be a great option. The procedure is personalized, highly effective and tailored to a patient’s specific needs. Not only will a torso lift remove excess skin and stubborn fat throughout the midsection, it will also improve the overall shape and tone of your torso. Almost immediately, the surgical results will be evident and you will see a tighter, smoother shape. Benefits of torso lift surgery include smoothing the skin, removing sagging skin and fat rolls, achieving a slimmer and more defined torso contour, renewing self-confidence and improving your overall health and emotional well-being.
The procedure will leave a sizable scar, however, which your surgeon will do their best to conceal. Also, it is a major plastic surgery so there will be a recovery period and brief hospitalization after the operation. In addition to these considerations, a good candidate for a torso lift should be in good physical health and have maintained a stable weight for at least the past six months with no further weight loss expected. Torso lift patient’s will experience swelling and bruising at the incision site.
The procedure:
Step one – The initial consultation and physical exam to customize your procedure.
Step two – General anesthesia or intravenous sedation.
Step three – Depending on the pattern and location of the loose skin, the incision will vary. Internal sutures are used to fix, tighten and reshape the underlying supportive tissue in place.
Step four – Incisions are sutured shut and removed within one to two weeks of the
procedure. Compression garments may be applied to contain swelling and shape.