No matter what kind of surgery you have, it is important to optimize your body for the procedure. This means reducing or eliminating risk factors that could lead to complications.
For all surgeries, you should:
– Quit smoking and using marijuana. Smoking tobacco and using marijuana both have a negative impact on your ability to heal.
– If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar levels well-controlled. Diabetics don’t heal as well as normal patients, so it’s important to minimize the risk of infection.
For liposuction:
If you are having liposuction, it is important to limit your sugar intake. Sugar can promote inflammation, which can lead to the formation of scar tissue.
– Avoid drinking alcohol for at least 4 weeks before surgery. Alcohol can increase the risk of bleeding and interfere with anesthesia.
– Get a good night’s sleep before surgery. This will help you feel rested and better able to cope with the stress of surgery.
After surgery, you should:
– Follow your surgeon’s instructions for caring for your incisions. This will help prevent infection and promote healing.
– Avoid strenuous exercise for at least two weeks. This will help your body heal and reduce the risk of bleeding and bruising.
– Take your pain medication as prescribed. This will help you stay comfortable and help your incisions heal.